Package-level declarations


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data class Chat(val id: Long, val type: ChatType, val title: String? = null, val username: String? = null, val firstName: String? = null, val lastName: String? = null, val isForum: Boolean? = null) : IdLong

This object represents a chat.

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enum ChatAction : Enum<ChatAction>
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data class ChatAdministratorRights(val isAnonymous: Boolean, val canManageChat: Boolean, val canDeleteMessages: Boolean, val canRestrictMembers: Boolean, val canPromoteMembers: Boolean, val canChangeInfo: Boolean, val canInviteUsers: Boolean, val canPostMessages: Boolean? = null, val canEditMessages: Boolean? = null, val canPinMessages: Boolean? = null, val canManageVideoChats: Boolean, val canManageTopics: Boolean? = null, val canPostStories: Boolean, val canEditStories: Boolean, val canDeleteStories: Boolean)

Represents the rights of an administrator in a chat.

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data class ChatBackground(val type: BackgroundType)

This object represents a chat background.

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data class ChatFullInfo(val id: Long, val type: ChatType, val title: String? = null, val username: String? = null, val firstName: String? = null, val lastName: String? = null, val isForum: Boolean? = null, val accentColorId: Int, val maxReactionCount: Int, val photo: ChatPhoto? = null, val activeUsernames: List<String>? = null, val birthdate: Birthdate? = null, val businessIntro: BusinessIntro? = null, val businessLocation: BusinessLocation? = null, val businessOpeningHours: BusinessOpeningHours? = null, val personalChat: Chat? = null, val availableReactions: List<ReactionType>? = null, val backgroundCustomEmojiId: String? = null, val profileAccentColorId: Int? = null, val profileBackgroundCustomEmojiId: String? = null, val emojiStatusCustomEmojiId: String? = null, val emojiStatusExpirationDate: Int? = null, val bio: String? = null, val hasPrivateForwards: Boolean? = null, val hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoMessages: Boolean? = null, val joinToSendMessages: Boolean? = null, val joinByRequest: Boolean? = null, val description: String? = null, val inviteLink: String? = null, val pinnedMessage: Message? = null, val permissions: ChatPermissions? = null, val canSendPaidMedia: Boolean? = null, val slowModeDelay: Int? = null, val unrestrictBoostCount: Int? = null, val messageAutoDeleteTime: Int? = null, val hasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled: Boolean? = null, val hasHiddenMembers: Boolean? = null, val hasProtectedContent: Boolean? = null, val hasVisibleHistory: Boolean? = null, val stickerSetName: String? = null, val canSetStickerSet: Boolean? = null, val customEmojiStickerSetName: String? = null, val linkedChatId: Long? = null, val location: ChatLocation? = null)

This object contains full information about a chat.

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data class ChatInviteLink(val inviteLink: String, val creator: User, val createsJoinRequest: Boolean, val isPrimary: Boolean, val isRevoked: Boolean, val name: String? = null, val expireDate: Instant? = null, val memberLimit: Int? = null, val pendingJoinRequestCount: Int? = null, val subscriptionPeriod: Duration? = null, val subscriptionPrice: Int? = null)

Represents an invite link for a chat.

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data class ChatJoinRequest(val chat: Chat, val from: User, val userChatId: Long, val date: Instant, val bio: String? = null, val inviteLink: ChatInviteLink? = null)

Represents a join request sent to a chat.

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data class ChatLocation(val location: Location, val address: String)

Represents a location to which a chat is connected.

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sealed class ChatMember : MultipleResponse
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data class ChatMemberUpdated(val chat: Chat, val from: User, val date: Instant, val oldChatMember: ChatMember, val newChatMember: ChatMember, val inviteLink: ChatInviteLink? = null, val viaJoinRequest: Boolean? = null, val viaChatFolderInviteLink: Boolean? = null)

This object represents changes in the status of a chat member.

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data class ChatPermissions(var canSendMessages: Boolean? = null, var canSendAudios: Boolean? = null, var canSendDocuments: Boolean? = null, var canSendPhotos: Boolean? = null, var canSendVideos: Boolean? = null, var canSendVideoNotes: Boolean? = null, var canSendVoiceNotes: Boolean? = null, var canSendPolls: Boolean? = null, var canSendOtherMessages: Boolean? = null, var canAddWebPagePreviews: Boolean? = null, var canChangeInfo: Boolean? = null, var canInviteUsers: Boolean? = null, var canPinMessages: Boolean? = null, var canManageTopics: Boolean? = null)

Describes actions that a non-administrator user is allowed to take in a chat.

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data class ChatPhoto(val smallFileId: String, val smallFileUniqueId: String, val bigFileId: String, val bigFileUniqueId: String)

This object represents a chat photo.

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data class ChatShared(val requestId: Int, val chatId: Long, val title: String? = null, val username: String? = null, val photo: List<PhotoSize>? = null)

This object contains information about a chat that was shared with the bot using a KeyboardButtonRequestChat button.

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enum ChatType : Enum<ChatType>